11-1-24 Samhain - Women's Circle


This women’s circle is a time to be a part of a community and to pause for a moment and honor our transitions through mindful gathering, ritual, meditation, listening, sharing, releasing what no longer serves us and setting intentions.

Fee: Donation can be paid the night of the circle (cash appreciated or venmo)

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This women’s circle is a time to be a part of a community and to pause for a moment and honor our transitions through mindful gathering, ritual, meditation, listening, sharing, releasing what no longer serves us and setting intentions.

Fee: Donation can be paid the night of the circle (cash appreciated or venmo)

This women’s circle is a time to be a part of a community and to pause for a moment and honor our transitions through mindful gathering, ritual, meditation, listening, sharing, releasing what no longer serves us and setting intentions.

Fee: Donation can be paid the night of the circle (cash appreciated or venmo)